Top Tips on email segmentation

email_segmentationIt is reported that email is almost 40% more effective than Facebook and Twitter for acquiring new customers. After all Twitter still emails you when you gain a new follower !


According to DMA, 77% of email marketing ROI came from segmented, targeted, and triggered campaigns in 2015.


So segmenting your email-marketing lists can help you get better open and click rates and by targeting your campaigns to those customers meaning your content becomes more relevant and in turn more responsive.


But how do you go about segmenting your data? This collation of articles provides top hints and tips suited to businesses large and small.


The Most Overlooked Email Marketing Strategy: Segmentation

Email marketers often don’t focus on the one thing that always helps to increase conversions: segmentation.

Fortunately, segmentation isn’t hard to achieve. Here are three approaches you can take to better segment your list, from the simple to the more complex.


30 Ways to Slice Your Email Database for Better Email List Segmentation

The best part about email segmentation? There are a ton of creative ways you can segment your email list to run innovative and effective campaigns, from geography and industry to content format and topic. The more information you collect about your email recipients, the more opportunities you have to tailor your emails.

How to Segment Email Lists for More Opens, Click-Throughs and Conversions

What makes email marketing so powerful? Some say that the secret sauce is list segmentation—the practice of dividing your email list into groups based on characteristics like interests and demographics.

In this guide you’ll learn what email list segmentation is, when you should do it, and how you can put it into action to power up your email marketing.


Email segmentation and targeting options

Learn 6 layered targeting options used by online retailers that can be applied to any business.


Now that you have learnt more ways to plan and analyze your data you need to put this into action.

arpReach is market leading in segmentation and puts customer attributes at the centre the of its contact database. This means that segmenting and automating your email marketing becomes seamless and more effective.

Discover how it can help your business grow by clicking the link below

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