SMTP Power

Setting Up SMTP Services

SMTP PowerOne of arpReach’s valuable features is that you can use it with an unlimited number of third party SMTP email services.

There are major benefits to this capability and the following shows how arpReach is leading the market.  What you are about to discover will revolutionize how you think about arpReach and email marketing.

With autoresponder services such as aweber, Mailchimp and others, if you breach their terms of use your account is at risk and may be banned.

Let’s look at the effects that can have on your business so you will understand why using arpReach for your email marketing is the best option.

  • Your lists of contacts is at risk of being held by the ESP
  • You will need to change all of the forms you have created in your websites
  • You will need to ‘start again’ with an alternative provider
  • The effect on your business is significant in time, resource and a drop in engagement with your audience, which has the potential to decimate your sales and income.

So the solution?

arpReach puts you in control of your business

  • You own the arpReach software with all the data and contacts held within it
  • All the forms that you create are your own
  • There will be no need to break communication with your audience, so there is no negative affect on your sales
  • You’ll never need to ‘start over’
  • Your business will never get shut down again

There are even more reasons to use arpReach as the hub of your email marketing campaigns

Combining our unlimited SMTP service capabilities has another amazing benefit.  More profit for you.  Here’s how.

Many of the ESP’s offer to send emails every month for free up to a certain limit before they start charging you.  Are you starting to see part of a better plan yet? 😉

arpReach also has fully customizable list segmentation capabilities and we all know the power of sending the right targeted message to the right people.

Consider having a list of 50,000 subscribers or contacts, rather than send your promotion to them all, segment your list and send ten broadcasts to 5000 readers.  Use 10 SMTP accounts and you have two major benefits

  1. your emailing costs could be zero.
  2. A targeted campaign should be more responsive as well as delivering relevant messages to your target market

Setting up the SMPT couldn’t be easier.

In this section we’ll show you how to set up your SMTP services. Click on the links below or those in the sidebar.

The latest arpReach SMTP training:
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Set up MailGun with arpReach
Setting up and configuring arpReach to use the MailGun SMTP service is simple and straight-forward.  MailGun offer free and paid solutions,...

Published on: June 20th, 2016

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3 thoughts on “Setting Up SMTP Services”

  1. This is exactly why I started using ARPReach – I was with Infusionsoft, had everything set up through them, someone cried ‘spam’ (incorrectly) and I was unable to email my list of 40,000+ for weeks because they effectively closed me down and wanted me to jump through lots of time consuming hoops to get up and running again (all in their interests rather than mine). It was too risky to continue with them, and glad I have proper control over my list now.

    • I’m really sorry to hear that Steve and I’m really glad to know that arpReach helped you get back on track.
      The power of arpReach to put any email marketer back in control shouldn’t be under-estimated and the fact we enable anyone to use one or more third-party ESP’s is just one of it’s benefits.

      Thanks for sharing.

  2. Great info.
    When setting up several SMTP services, do you use the same email address to receive the bounced emails for all the different SMTP or do you use one different email address for each of them?
    When talking of segmentation, do segment your list via the contact form or does this need to be done manually?

    Thanks for your tutorials.


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