Upgrading to the latest version release of arpReach is a simple process if you follow the basic process outlined below. While a little technical knowledge will help anyone can perform an upgrade.
If you are uncertain, worried or just don’t have the time, we recommend you seek the help of a third party professional. Licensed users are welcome to contact the support desk who will provide you with a list of partners we work with on a regular basis who can perform your upgrade for a reasonable fee.
Important Notes:
The 1.6 upgrade cannot be used to upgrade versions below 1.2.002 or pre-release (beta) versions.
! Make sure your server meets the minimum requirements !
– PHP 5.5.x – PHP 7 (but not including 7 … yet)
– register_globals OFF
– safe_mode OFF
– max_execution_time = 0
– cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1 (for CGI/FastCGI)
– php-cli module – (PHP 5.5 or greater is needed at the command line)
– imap extension
– mysql extension
– cURL extension
– GD extension
– JSON extension
– Open SSL extension
– Ports 25, 587 and 465 (SSL/TLS) need to be open for inbound and outbound traffic when using third-party ESP’s
– We recommend at least 256M of memory is allocated to PHP, but you may need to set it higher depending on how large your list is. The memory MUST be applied to both http PHP AND php-cli which is used for cron tasks.
The 1.6 release includes a significant update to the CI framework paving the way to a new major version release in 2017 supporting PHP 7. It also includes new database tables and settings. We strongly urge you to back up all files and your database via mysqldump before starting your upgrade.
The Upgrade Process:
1. Login to hub.arpreach.net and click on the Download Latest Software link
2. In the To upgrade existing installations of arpReach from 1.2.003 – 1.5.xxx to 1.6.00x section click on the download link
3. Read and accept the usage terms agreement.
4. The system will build your download and then present an OK button.
6. Click OK to begin your download and save the zip file to a location you can access on your computer
We can’t stress this next part strongly enough. Back up, Back up, Back up.
7. BACK UP your arpReach database and then back up all of the files and folders of your existing arpReach installation. Keep these in a safe location in case you need them. Your hosting company will be able to provide you with the details you need, these vary from server to server and as a result we are unable to provide help with this element.
8. Ensure your version of arpReach is 1.2.002 or above. The version number is shown at the bottom left of every screen in arpReach.
9. If you have made changes to any files in the /application/language/ directory, BACKUP the directory
10. Using your FTP software, login to your live installation and delete the /system directories – Make sure you did a backup!!
11. Using your FTP software, login to your live installation and delete the /application directories
12. Unzip the arpreach_upgrade.zip file you downloaded and saved to your computer. This file contains the file arpreach_upgrade_files.zip, a change log txt file and a txt file called README-FIRST. Read the read me file for version specific upgrade instructions and the changelog so you know what’s been fixed.
13. Unzip the file arpreach_upgrade_files.zip you downloaded and saved to your computer.
14. Using your FTP software, upload the contents of the arpreach_upgrade_files zip file in * binary mode * to the server directory containing your arpReach installation.
15. When asked to replace existing files, choose yes. Do not choose any option that would delete existing files or directories apart from those being uploaded.
16. If you saved your /application/language/ directory re-upload the files you previously changed.
17. Using your FTP software, download the file: /application/config/config.php
18. Using Notepad or a similar TEXT editor (not Word) Open /application/config/config.php
Around line 385, search for:
$config['sess_save_path'] = NULL;
Change ‘NULL’ to either ‘/tmp’ or the temporary folder associated to your server. Check with your host what this folder is if you are unsure.
The line should now read:
$config['sess_save_path'] = '/tmp';
Note: The single quote marks are important. Do not delete them by mistsake.
Save this file
19. If you are signed in to arpReach, sign out then sign in again. This step is important as it updates the database tables.
20. You may now see a message telling you ‘A new activation code is needed’.
15. Log in to http://hub.arpreach.net – create a new activation code for your registered domain
16. Copy the new activation code and paste it in to the ‘Activation Code’ box in your arpReach site. Add your license number and password in the appropriate boxes. Read the terms and conditions, click the box if you agree.
17. Click the ‘Activate Now’ button
Congratulations your arpReach installation has been updated.
Things to be aware of
If you have customized your language files please be aware that we have added new files for the arpVerify integration and you will need to add these and change them as appropriate within your customization (Thanks Tom for pointing this out).
If you need help please contact the arpReach support team and raise a ticket
My servers use PHP 7. When will arpReach be ready to install (or upgrade) on PHP 7 based installations?